The happy couple
Okay, who is taller?
Ugggghhhhh, is Christine dipping Curt?
Welcome to the family Christine- This is Brent posting his recap of the wedding.
This weekend was Curt and Christine’s wedding. The event ran very smoothly once the ground rules were set by the teachers of the group. I personally had a great time the entire day. I started the day out shopping with Curt to pick up some items for later in the day. Then it was off to the church for pictures. This was a lot of fun since basically all that it consisted of was hanging out with the greatest group of friends and family ever assembled (I may be slightly biased on this). The ceremony went great (once the musicians showed)(I probably should have known that the orchestra folk would show last minute being that I use to roll with that crazy crowd). Then it was off to the reception. The meal was delicious. The love story was wonderful and the decorations were quite beautiful. All of the planning definitely showed (nice job Curt). The toasts were quite possibly some of the best in wedding history. Carolyn went with the very touching and heart warming story of how these two bring out the best in one another, while I went with a more comical story of mud bogging in the lebaron. It is thought by some that I became a bit emotional and actually may have cried a bit toward the end of my toast. I would like to set the record straight on this matter. What had actually happened is that while giving my toast, the wait staff removed the remains of my dinner before I had a chance to do anything about it. That really upset me and we will just leave it at that. Some highlights from the dance include Trent’s electric slide tutorial (I think that we may have another teacher in the makings) and watching Curt attempt the "Soulja Boy". It was a great day. Welcome to the family Mrs. Wood. Congratulations to you both.
Hey Brent and Shanna,
We are wrapping up our stay in downtown Mpls. It's been fun relaxing.
Your recap of the wedding day is so amazing. It was so fun and great for us too. Thanks for everything.
Replying from our "honeymoon" downtown Minneapolis at the Best Western.
It was funny, when you paused during the speech, I thought you had forgot what you were going to say. Then I realized you were crying. My eyes may have also watered up because of a pepper someone slipped in my green beans.
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