Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Weird Dream

Brent had a funny dream this weekend about having the baby. It was a girl! She was huge , had a very large head apparently and once she was born the doctors told him to take her back to his hotel and get her something to eat. So, he took her back to his hotel and he was clueless what to feed her, so he was going to call me and ask. He got to the hotel room and the cats were there and they were sort of like gremlins and they had chewed the numbers off of his phone so he couldn't call. I guess he was in a panic not knowing what a baby eats, haha.

Hopefully we will just keep the baby at the hospital with us for a day or two and then go home together, ha.


Mindy said...

Too funny! Being an expectant parent can definitely give you weird dreams!

Christine and Curt said...

wow. Brent you will be great with the baby! have no fears!

Carolyn said...

Hilarious! This made me laugh!

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