Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day with friends

Mindy and Natalie came and visited us today, it was so much fun. We went to lunch and shopped a little at Target. Audrey had a great day ended with a walk to the Dairy Queen, we were celebrating her one month birthday. Dad said he would have shared his ice cream with her if only she could stay awake.

Natalie loved Audrey and hated to leave her, she kept bringing her toys all day just hoping she would want to play with her. Soon enough she will be cruising around just like Natalie.


Mindy said...

We had so much fun visiting! You're right, it won't be long before our little girls are running all around together!

Christine Wood said...

That bottom picture is pretty cute. Natalie is so sweet for wanting to bring a newborn gifts (err. toys).

kborn said...

oh you have some time before she's cruisin'! Enjoy the still times while you have them!
She's so awake in the photos...amazing, darling girl!