Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Audrey's 1st Christmas was great, she had so much fun. She met so many new family members at my dad's family Christmas. She played cards with Great-Grandma Sonnek, actually she just wanted to eat the cards. She entertained everyone at brunch on Christmas morning at Grandpa and Grandma Wood's and then enjoyed Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Sonnek that night. At the end of the day she fell asleep and did not wake up until 7:30 Friday morning, it was a long couple of days, but tons of fun. Brent made me the most amazing gift, he scrapbooked an entire scrapbook of Audrey, it was the best! He went all out, scrapbooking paper, stickers, quotes and tons and tons of pictures, it was very impressive. I had no idea he was so crafty.

Opening her present that Uncle Adam and Aunt April sent her.

Showing off her new fur boots that Grandma Wood made.

Trying on Aunt Christine's new hat.

The most exciting thing about Christmas, wrapping paper:)

Brent even dug out the viola to see if he still had it, maybe he needs a new bow.

Her cute Christmas sweater (When I bought this I thought it was a dress, whoops).

Brent and I each got her a book for Christmas, Brent got her "I Love You, Stinky Face."

I got her the "Baby Signs" book.

Loving her new hoodie from Santa.

Even Thor was having fun with what Santa brought him.


kborn said...

cute photos. too cute.

Christine and Curt said...

those are definitely some memorable photos. brent needs to do something with that bow! it looks so sad!

Carolyn said...

Looks like you had tons of fun!!!

I too am impressed with Brent's scrapbooking ability!

Emily B said...

Great to see you guys and meet Miss Audrey:)

Mindy said...

What a thoughtful gift from Brent! And a fun first Christmas for Audrey!

Heidi said...

Look at her sitting up, wow!

Laurie said...

When she learns some of her baby signs it's a great way to "talk" before she can talk!
She was in the right place when she rolled under the tree...such a sweet little package.