Saturday, March 7, 2009

Okay, now what?

Audrey is so close to crawling we think, this is what she does and collapses.

She prefers getting her own toys out of the toy box now, she basically takes all toys out and she definately prefers the books. She has a new tooth on the top. her first top tooth, it's off to the side, a fang you might say.

Brent loves this picture, he said it's his favorite by far, she woke up after getting home and just laid like this.


Mindy said...

Oh, that last picture is sooo cute!

You were right-Audrey will be off in no time after moving to the room with bigger kids at daycare!! :)

kborn said...

That bottom photo is PRICELESS! Awwww.

She's growing so fast! She needs to keep up with the older kids, I guess too!!

Heidi said...

adorable! i like the diaper look...she'll be moving before you know it.

Christine Wood said...

she's a sweet little baby. what a cutee.