Monday, July 26, 2010

2 Year Stats

Audrey had her two year check-up today and Dr. Williams said, she is still big, ha, but very proportionate. She is lucky to be in the 99 percentile in both height and weight. Audrey is not a fan of the doctor's office, I know most kids are not, but she is pretty unhappy the entire time while at the clinic. The minute we walked in she kept saying, "Go Home, Go Home", "Go to van." She absolutely hates getting weighed and getting her height checked. She is too tall now to get measured on the table so she has to stand on the floor against the wall to get measured, what a treat:) We didn't even have shots today and she was still so unhappy. It's like torture getting her ears and mouth checked. Dr. Williams asked her if she wanted a sticker and then asked her if she wanted another one and she kept saying "yes" in a quiet little voice and then after the second sticker she started signing "more" because she really didn't want to talk, poor thing. She scored 6 sweet stickers though.

We are absolutely loving the two year stage. So far we haven't hit the terrible two's, we had a bit of that earlier on, so now maybe we get a break. Audrey is so much fun with her insanely growing vocabulary. It's so easy to understand her now and the things she says just make us laugh. Her mind is going, going, going processing so much information. She knows what she wants and how to get it and knows when she is doing something wrong because she always looks back at us to see if we are going to stop her from doing something.

Just to let you all know, it was no fluke riding in the trailer yesterday, tonight we rode out to the Dam Store for supper and pie, it was a great bike ride and she loved it. She hopped right back in the trailer after supper and asked for her helmet. We were riding on the trail and I was behind her and she kept saying, "Mom", "Mom" , Birthday Song. She loves the Birthday Song from our children's cd in the car. So, there we were riding down the Red Jacket Trail singing the Birthday Song.


Heidi said...

Aw, next time Lucy will go with Audrey to the doc, she is really into it. What's she gonna do with all those stickers?! Wow!

Josh & Carolyn said...

I feel so bad for Audrey!! Cal freaks out too when the Dr. comes in.

Mindy said...

that sucks that she hates the doctor. May she have a healthy year with very few doctor visits! :)