Sunday, August 22, 2010


The Wood family went on a camping adventure on Friday night to Sakatah State Park. It was a great first camping experience for Audrey and Sebastian. We enjoyed food cooked by grandpa and a nice breakfast at the Waterville Cafe. It was so much fun to experience camping with Audrey. She loved every minute of it. We got into the tent for bedtime and Audrey kept saying, "Go out, go out." The minute we told her we sleep in there she just layed down and put her arm around dad. She slept great in the tent. It was so hot and buggy, those were the only downfalls, oh yeah, and the band playing until 1 a.m. in town. Atleast they played good music! We are anxious for a camping adventure again in the future, but next time we will go for a whole weekend, it's a lot of work for only one night. I didn't really take any good pictures, but here are some to show you our adventure.

Audrey loved hanging out with Grandma.

Audrey enjoyed some oreo's at home. I asked her to smile with oreo mouth and this is what I got.


Heidi said...

Glad you had a good first camping experience! We'll have to try it with the girls this Fall!!

Mindy said...

I'm glad you had a fun time! Natalie loves camping, too. Maybe we can finally make up our rained out trip someday!

Christine and Curt said...

everyone looks just "sticky" in all of the camping pictures.

Carolyn said...

You could do camping in the backyard too! Glad you guys survived the heat!