Sunday, March 27, 2011

Audrey and Jack

Last night we had our friend's son Jack over for a couple hours while they went out. Jack is 6, it was fun to watch him and Audrey interact together. In some ways he understands that she is younger and can't quite do everything he can, but then in some ways he would expect too much out of her. They were playing hide and seek and Brent was hiding and then Jack and Audrey would go looking for Brent and Jack wanted to split up and each go on the hunt for Brent, but Audrey just wanted to tag along with Jack. It was pretty cute. Then at one point they were both trying to decide what cartoon to watch and Jack wanted Spongebob and Audrey wanted Dora, Jack leaned over and whispered to Brent, "Don't tell Audrey, but I hate Dora." All in all, it was a great night and I think Audrey really liked having someone over to play with her. She did a great job sharing her toys. Let me tell you though, a 6 year old boy really wore me out. Brent and I were both exhausted at the end of the night. Playing our new game, Elefun. Jack totally did not even try to let Audrey win, he was basically just like, I have more than you, I am better. Audrey was a good sport. Here is Audrey pretending she is the elephant. She would copy everything Jack just did. Audrey and Jack fighting over a little Brent time.

We enjoyed dying our milk, Jack had quite a mix of colors. Audrey had purple milk.


Mindy said...

oh, you got Elefun! Hope your family loves it as much as ours :)

Heidi said...

Fun! Lucy hung out with the older neighbor girls yesterday. They totally entertained her forever. We are considering adpoting a 12 year old. :)

Christine Wood said...

elefun looks cool!