Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Homecoming Week!

Next week is Wacky Week at daycare. It reminds me so much of Homecoming week in high school. Here is her schedule for the week:

Monday: Inside out day
Tuesday: PJ day
Wednesday: Backward and crazy hair day
Thursday: Costume day
Friday: Favorite sports day

How fun will next week be, I am trying to think of a costume, it's like Halloween all over again. Crazy hair day is probably my favorite, I am already trying to think, I was thinking maybe a slicked back look. Expect lots of pics next week:)


Heidi said...

That is SO funny that they do that even with the little ones - I'm looking forward to some pics!

Josh & Carolyn said...

I'm interested how backward day goes. . . what if the kidlets need to go potty????

Mindy said...

hilarious! I can't believe they do that with the little ones!