Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is the weekend over yet?

I know, most people don't want the weekend to end, but I do. It's been one of those weekends, no wait, one of those weeks. Work has been crazy busy and three nights this week I didn't make it home from work before Audrey went to bed at 8. I am glad most weeks are not like this, I miss this girl when I only see her for breakfast. She loves the time with Brent, except he had to work this weekend too. She had a great time hanging out with my parents yesterday and for the first time in a long time she didn't get sad when I dropped her off. She actually said "bye" to me, it was super cute. Usually when I leave, even if Brent is home she hangs by the gate and cries, so it really makes it easy for me to leave when she says "bye".

We actually did get to enjoy a little time last night with Mindy, Jon, Natalie and Harvey and Mindy's mom, dad, and cousin Sara. They were in town and stayed in a hotel, so Audrey got to go swimming and we hung out afterwards for some yummy cake.

Audrey creating some amazing music.

Enjoying one of my awesome smoothies, after every sip she would say, "ahhhhhhhhh." I have been making tons of smoothies in the magic bullet lately and Audrey loves them. It's super easy and a pretty good, healthy snack. I use some fresh fruit or frozen, milk, vanilla yogurt, dry oatmeal, and a couple ice cubes. Yummy!


Josh & Carolyn said...

Cal fusses when I leave too, even if Josh is holding him!

Hopefully your next few weeks will be a bit calmer and you can have more 'family' time again!

That smoothie does look good! Mmmm.

Mindy said...

Yum, that smoothie looks delicious! Yes, glad your bad weekend was over, too. I've got swimming post being auto-posted this morning, so check out our cute little beach babes!

Christine Wood said...

smoothie! smoothie! smoothie!

Heidi said...

okay, she looks like a mini Brent in that smoothie pic - sooooooo cute! Hopefully we can see each other this weekend when you are off!