Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot!

We had a great day today, even though it was hotter than ever. We went to Chaska and had a photo shoot with Aunt Christine and then enjoyed some lunch afterwards with the family. This evening we went and visited Grandpa and Grandma Sonnek while they were camping. We had supper with them and Audrey is freaked out by the camper for some reason. How are we to send her off camping with them for a whole weekend if she is afraid of it, hmmmm?

Enjoying a nice cool beverage at the campground.

Audrey's way of playing bean bags.

Reaching for the bean bags.

Relaxing on the way home from the lake.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

It was SO hot, we were sweating too! Looks like fun though, isn't it funny what kids are freaked out by?!