Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spread em Daddy!

Yesterday Audrey was getting so frustrated with Brent. She was pushing her shopping cart right into his legs, he had no idea what she wanted, so he kept moving out of the way and she would get so mad at him, but she wouldn't say anything. Today she came at him with her shopping cart again and he just happened to be moving at the same time and she went right between his legs. Ahhhh ha, he finally figured out what she wanted last night. Too bad she didn't just say, "Spread em Daddy!"


Heidi said...

Ha! Isn't it funny when you finally figure out what they want?!

Carolyn said...

Oh, if you could only read their minds, right? Callum does the similar thing, except he likes to run INTO us and laugh!

Christine Wood said...

good one Audrey!