Friday, February 29, 2008

Boy or girl?

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar is based on legend, and has been used to predict whether an unborn child will be a boy or a girl.
According to legend, the Chinese pregnancy chart was buried in a royal tomb almost 900 years ago and was just recently discovered.
To use the Chinese pregnancy calendar, you will go down the column until you get to the age of the mother at the time of conception (it could be different if the mother has had a birthday since conceiving).
Then go across that row until you get to the month the baby was conceived. If the square is blue, it’s a boy! If the square is pink a girl is on the way!

So, all of you moms out there, tell if the prediction was right, if it is, I am having a girl.


Julie S. said...

Was right on for me both times.


Heidi said...

It was right for me too! Yiippee, a girl!

Mindy said...

Mine was right, too! Should we start buying pink? :)

Doug and Bev said...

Only right for one of mine. So I guess that means 50/50 it's either a girl or a boy!!!

marcyw said...

Was right for me!

Ashton and John's mom said...

It was right for me on John, but wrong for Ashton!