Thursday, February 7, 2008

Up all night

So, I guess my job is trying to prepare me for being a new mother. I was so busy on call last night, lately I have been getting slammed on my nights on. I had four deaths last night, one at 6 p.m., then again at 10 p.m., then at 1:30 a.m., and finally at 7 a.m. So, I am guessing that is somewhat of a schedule of getting up in the night with a baby. Also, I am up for about 2-3 hours when I get a death if their is embalming, so I got to sleep from about 4:30-7 a.m., I am tired. I am guessing it's more fun actually getting to hold a baby during those hours rather than embalming.

I think I am up for the challenge.


Mindy said...

at least your "customers" don't scream in your ear in the middle of the night :)

You'll be so used to the lack of sleep, it probably won't even bother you when the baby arrives!

Heidi said...

feeding your baby will be much better than dealing with the dead, I promise ;) I don't know how you can be up all night while pregnant - I would have not been functioning. You are superwoman!

Carolyn said...

How annoying!!! I remember being on call when I was a Community Advisor in the dorms. . . getting paged at 4am was not fun. Hey, at least you're getting use to the irregular sleeping pattern.