Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Half Way

That is Baby Wood right there, not really, but, the baby is the length of a banana this week. They now measure the baby differently. They use to measure from head to rump, now it's head to heel. I am sure since this is a Wood baby, it's a tish longer than a banana, but I could be wrong. The baby weighs approximately 10 1/2 ounces now. It's also learning to swallow more to strengthen its digestive track.
Baby Center says that I should have gained around 10 lbs now and that I will probably gain a pound a week from now on, whoa. I will find out Friday at my appt. just how much I have gained. I am scared. The baby is really liking dairy lately, which doesn't mean I have been drinking lots of milk, it means I have been eating lots of ice cream. Whatever it takes to get dairy right.


Mindy said...

That's right, whatever it takes. Keep that baby happy! :)

Heidi said...

yes, i'm sure baby wood is longer than a banana. wow, i can't believe you are halfway already!

Carolyn said...

Enjoy the one time in your life where you want/need/should gain weight???

Christine and Curt said...

wait...i thought baby wood was just the size of an avocado not too long ago. he or she is ripening very nicely...like a banana.

do most prego mommies eat with reckless abandon? what if you regret it later? that baby has to come out somehow!!!

Shanna said...

I am sure the baby will come out whether I eat ice cream or not.