Sunday, September 14, 2008

All sorts of fun!

We had a nice relaxing weekend. Yesterday we attended a benefit for Brent's coworkers son who has leukemia. They were having a softball tournament and grill out to raise money for his treatements. He is only 4 years old and has had leukemia for 3 of those years. He is almost through with his treatments and in remission. Then we went to the bowling alley and Audrey and I watched Brent practice. I don't know if I mentioned, but he joined a bowling league with one of my old coworkers and he needs practice. He is getting into it though, he bought the ball and shoes already.

Today was nice, Brent and I both got some work outs in, Brent went for a run and then I went to the gym after he got back. We both want to come up with some sort of schedule we can both work out, it's much tougher getting work outs in now, but we are trying. Lucy and Heidi stopped by this afternoon and it was great to see them. Lucy was racing towards Thor freaking him out. He is probably getting an idea of what is to come with Audrey.

Back to work tomorrow.

Audrey was so happy to see Lucy again, it's been too long.

I think Thor enjoys the toys almost more than Audrey does.

Audrey's latest trick.


Carolyn said...

So sorry to hear about the little guy with leukemia. Hopefully his treatments go well.

Josh has been in a few bowling leagues. . .yes, complete with ball and shoes!

Does your gym offer any type of child care service? I'm hoping to utilize that after Barnibus is born. Maybe a jogging stroller??

I love how Thor is hiding under the play mat! Ha. Audrey and Lucy look so cute together! I'm sure they'll be getting into trouble in no time!

Shanna said...

Carolyn- Yes the gym offers daycare, not sure if they have to be a certain age or not, I need to look into that. I think for sure when she is a year old it will be easy to take her and she can play while I work out. We have a jogging stroller I just haven't used it to jog yet, I actually did once for about a block just to try it out, ha.

kborn said...

Kitty is too cute. :-)

Heidi said...

Ha, I wrote the same thing about Lucy and Thor.

Mindy said...

ahhh...cute, cute, cute new blog layout!