Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I love my little lady

Today was a hard day at work, I worked a funeral for a 5 month old baby girl who died from SIDS. It has always been hard to work with families of young children and babies and be the strong one guiding the family, but today it was totally different for me. I looked through totally different eyes, a mothers eyes. I have to admit, it was not easy for me. It shows how incredibly precious life is and how much that little girl impacted so many lives in such a short time. Us funeral directors always say that if every day at work was like this, none of us would do what we do. With my job though, I have to be able to leave work and honestly leave work behind me for the day.

We enjoyed supper on Lake Washington tonight at Westwood with Heidi, Jason, and Lucy, it was a perfect fall night out on the deck eating fish. Thanks for inviting us guys, awesome idea!


Carolyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the 5-month-old. Life can be so short. I don't know how you do the job you do! The physical part is too much for me, I can't even imagine the emotional component.

kborn said...

awwwww. tear.

and love every minute of it! some things are just too terrible to think about.

Heidi said...

Wow, that is so sad. It is amazing how being a mom changes your perspective on things baby related.

And yes, dinner was great, we'll have to do it again before the snow flies :(

marcyw said...

I've always thought you're so strong to help people like you do through tough times. Even though it's tougher for you, I'm sure it just makes you that much better at your job!