Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sleep, sleep, sleep

Audrey slept through the night for the first time, no waking up to eat! It was wonderful, especially since I was up during the night working, so I got as much sleep as possible, she must have known, what a girl.

We have stopped swaddling her at night, so she is free to wear all the fun pajamas she has. We used to put her in a sleep sack that came with a swaddling wrap. I loved it until she could squirm so much that we woke up and it was around her neck, she was happy as could be, but I knew it was time to say goodbye to the swaddle. She looks so darn cute in these footy pj's.

Audrey's eyes are finally turning color, they are brown, finally a trait that mom has! Everyone says how much she looks like Brent which I love, but hey, she got my brown eyes.


Heidi said...

She isn't even 3 months yet! Wow, way to go Audrey! She does look awfully cute in those pj's!

Mindy said...

Hooray for sleep!!!!

Emily B said...

Hooray for brown eyes!!

Christine Wood said...

Wow. Audrey is impressive. She must be good at reading into your work schedule.

marcyw said...

Yay for you!