Monday, December 28, 2009


When Brent picked Audrey up from daycare today she was sporting a pony tail. I have never tried this with her since she always rips barrettes out. Our thoughts are they thought she was looking boyish with her Vikings jersey so they were making her more girly. We both loved it, she looked so different.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas all weekend!

We pretty much wore Audrey out the last 4 days celebrating with family every day. Today we finally got to get together with Curt and Christine. It was wonderful and we were glad they could come down when traveling was safer. We enjoyed a new board game while Audrey was napping. Once she woke up she entertained us.

Audrey is getting the hang of the new tent/tunnel system.

Audrey is watching dad, hoping he doesn't get stuck in the tunnel.

Audrey was ready to go I guess, she put on her new coat that Christine and Curt got her for next winter, she just couldn't wait until next year to wear it.

We also got to celebrate Christine's birthday with some awesome cake, it was a big deal when she was cutting the cake as you can see, cameras at every angle.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Colorful Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Spending time with our parents and Audrey was wonderful, it was snowing outside and nice and cozy inside. We didn't get to see Curt and Christine because of the snow, so hopefully Sunday will be nice enough for them to travel down.

Here is Tina getting high on Christmas with her cat nip fish.

Thor enjoying his new toy.

Not sure who enjoyed this box more, Audrey or Thor.

Doug and Bev poured some hard work into this book shelf for Audrey's toy room. It turned out so nice. Doug built it and Bev painted it, it's a perfect fit.

Audrey got a sweet table and chairs from Grandpa and Grandma Sonnek, she could hardly wait for them to get put together. Here she is reading to her sock monkey.


Brent spent some time getting the snow off the roof today, this is some seriously heavy snow.

Audrey finally started to enjoy the snow, I pulled her around the neighborhood in her sled and we played on the incredible snow pile at the end of our street. Here we are bugging dad while he was making some appetizers.

Happy Birthday Aunt Christine!

We miss you today, but enjoy your birthday and we can't wait to see you on Sunday!

This is Audrey and Christine last year on Christmas.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

O Christmas Tree!

Our Christmas tree ornaments have a lot of history and a lot of stories behind them. We have no theme to our tree at all, it's just a bunch of ornaments we have collected over the years. I thought it would be fun to blog about them.

Audrey loves checking out the ornaments.

This is a cheap ornament from back in my college days when I lived in the funeral home in Roseville. My roommate and I bought all our ornaments at the dollar store:)

This is our tree this year with a brand new tree skirt. It's fun to get something new every year for the tree.

This is one of Brent's ornaments from when he was younger.

My aunt makes a new ornament every year, this is a Santa made out of an acorn.

Heidi made these for me the year we were married with petals from my wedding flowers.

This is one of the ornaments I got from my grandma's collection, she gave me all of her decorations.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Audrey has been making this face a lot lately, ha. We have been letting her open the Christmas cards and this is the face she made today when we let her open the card from Curt and Christine. All we have to do now is ask her to do this and she does, it's too funny!

Audrey is learning so much lately, she is full of conversation. She can repeat a lot of words that we say. She knows what a dog, cow, duck, and monkey can say. Lately I have been hearing her say 1, 2 and repeating it over and over. Before bath time she goes in her room and can take her socks off and put them in her hamper and she can take her shirt off , but not the pants yet. She learned this week at daycare to take off her hat, mittens and coat and put them on. She is doing pretty well.

Audrey gets frustrated very easily lately, so we try to distract her right away if something is not going well. I think she wants to do so many things by herself , but not everything comes easily so it's frustrating for her. Communicating is a challenge with her limited vocabulary, she knows what she wants, but we don't always know what she wants. It's very exciting the more and more words she picks up, something new every day.

Monday, December 14, 2009

You and that camera sure are funny mom!

Audrey has started to realize when I get out the camera to be funny and pose, she was cracking up.

Reaching in her bag for some goldfish.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Weekend

It was such a great weekend after our very loooooonnnnnggg week. It was a rough week at our house with Audrey having her ear infection. The doctor mentioned at her appointment last week that she was the perfect storm with a double ear infection, a cold, and teething. Every night from the minute she got home from daycare until bedtime, which is only an hour, but seemed much longer, she would cry. It was terrible and very draining on Brent and I. On Friday night after she went to bed I just thought, is this every going to end, her medicine has to be kicking in. Not to mention the fact that her medicine made her constipated, ugghhh, fix one problem, get a new one. Saturday when Audrey woke up she was a new girl, well, actually just back to herself. It was awesome. We enjoyed a fun filled day at Nickelodean Universe at the Mall of America thanks to my parents and we checked out the Body Exhibit there, which was very interesting. We timed everything just right, we wore Audrey out on the rides and then had lunch and she slept through the body exhibit.

Today we went to church for the first time in a long time because it was the children's Christmas Program. Audrey lasted about 5 minutes in church. She is a hard age to sit still, so she hung out in the nursery the whole time. Then it was time to leave and she freaked, she was having so much fun with all kinds of new toys. I did some annual Christmas baking today with my mom and it was great as always. We have tons of Christmas goodies now. Even Lucy and Heidi came over to sample some of our treats and hang out.

Brent and I had to try out this coaster, it was freaky. I forgot the camera, so thank goodness Grandma remembered hers.

Audrey's favorite ride, the Big Riggs! She loved it because their was a steering wheel and horn. Grandpa Dan was so proud!

Much better ride on the carousel then our first one at Como Zoo, she was not into it then.

We were the only passengers on the train.

Dora the Explorer bus ride, it was my favorite kiddy ride:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Did I ever say we have the best neighbors ever? We came home from work this evening and our driveway was all plowed. It was so incredibly nice to come home to that, one less thing to have to take care of at a busy time of the day, getting Audrey supper, bath time, getting ready for bed. It was so great! We love our neighbors, especially whoever plowed.

This picture shows that our cats still can be friends, when they think we are not looking. These two sure changed after we moved, but slowly they are becoming pals again. I neglect them and never post them on the blog anymore, so this is just a random photo of Tina and Thor, since Audrey has been so crabby we have really slacked on pictures. Audrey loves the cats, every night she waves goodnight to them and even tries to share her sippy cup with them when she thinks they are thirsty. I think they are getting more and more used to her and actually kind of like the attention she gives them.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Off the market

So, today went from being frustrated to feeling incredibly bad for our little girl. We finally decided this just isn't like Audrey to act this way, their is no way this could just be toddler tantrums and a phase. I called daycare to see how she was doing and she had a few episodes of crying and acting out. Brent took her to Doctor Williams and wouldn't you know, she has a double ear infection, plus a cold, plus teething. Not a good combination. I guess when she slapped me this morning it meant my ears hurt mama. We were actually glad he found something wrong, it all makes sense now and we totally can deal with this more knowing that she is acting this way for a reason. We have medicine and she is loving it, so hopefully in no time our girl will be back to normal:)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Toddler for Sale!

What happened to my sweet, easy going girl? Okay, it's been a seriously long day. I guess it all started yesterday afternoon with Brent. Audrey is teething we think, getting those sucky molars. She keeps chomping on her paci in the corner of her mouth and is drooling like mad. She has had tantrum, after tantrum, after tantrum today. Brent and I both feel as a loss here, we don't know how to make her happy. We have given her some teething tablets and are hoping that gives her a little relief, but we just can't win here. She just lays on the floor and screams. We had Lucy over this morning to try and cheer her up and we ended up putting her in her crib while her friend was over. Uggghhhhh, she slept for 3 1/2 hours and we were so excited that she had a great nap and we would have a great afternoon, not the case. It sucks to watch her act like this and we would do anything to make it stop. We have never experienced this so far, so I have to say we are pretty lucky. I sure hope this ends soon, it's draining and I hate for daycare to have to deal with this.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

4th Annual Salsa Competition

We had the 4th annual Wood Salsa Competition this year and it was a success. Bev won, the first time a Wood has won this. Woo hoo, way to go Bev!

We had a great time, thanks everyone for coming!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Audrey had her first sleepover at Grandpa and Grandma Sonnek's last night. I know, it's about time right? We dropped her off last night and headed out on a super romantic date to the casino. It was funny how we could not think of anything to do for the entire night without Audrey. We had fun and I think she did too, but she definately missed us, she bawled when we left. She knew something was up when we packed up her blanket and puppy.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for fun times with this little gem!

We have lots to be thankful for, I just had to share this fun video of bath time this week.

We are enjoying a nice quiet Thanksgiving at home, just the 3 of us. It happens to be my holiday to work this year, so I am on call today and our families were all heading out of town. I have not had to work yet, so we enjoyed a great lunch until Audrey started chucking her food all over the kitchen. We put a stop to that, it's naptime now.

I made my first turkey ever, 13 lbs. It turned out really great and we had all the fixings to go along with it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Decisions, Decisions....

The Snuggie, the Softie Wrap, the Snuggler, or the Cuddle Blanket? haha, these things crack me up, who knew their were so many options out there. The ads came out today and I guess their are many versions of the Snuggie, the least expensive is the Cuddle Blanket for only $2.99.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nice Day!

Today it seemed so warm outside, so we took advantage this morning and went for a nice walk in Rasmussen Woods. Audrey suprised us both and walked so well with us all the way to the gazebo. It is a wood chip path and Brent and I both thought she would be so distracted picking up wood chips along the way, but she just kept on walking and walking and walking. She would not hold my hand though, I don't know if it was my scary mittens or she just wanted to be buddies with dad. She held his hand the entire walk. The way back she rode on dads shoulders.

This afternoon we hit up Sibley Park to check out the animals, she learned to feed the goats. Then she just started picking up corn along the path and trying to eat it herself, gross. We put a stop to that and went to the playground for a bit.

We ended the day with some spaghetti with Grandpa and Grandma Wood, yummers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm a big girl now!

Audrey is growing up sooo much lately. She has been trying to put her own shirts on, she is obsessed with fleece sweatshirts. We have to hide them away at night or she would want to wear them all to bed. We have been working on her eating skills with a regular cup and silverware. She is able to pick things up with a fork now, but she then grabs the food off the fork with her hands and eats it. Atleast she is getting the process down. She can drink out of a regular little cup, but only with a very small amount in the cup.

The greatest thing lately is getting a goodnight kiss. When we put her to bed at night we both ask for a kiss and her pacifier just drops out of her mouth and she is more than happy to dish out kisses, but that is about the only time. It's still wonderful.

The toddler room is wonderful for Audrey at daycare. I love getting a schedule every week of their daily activites. This week has been sports week. Every day they focus on a sport and learn all kinds of new activities.

Audrey loves music and loves us singing to her. Lately we have been singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat and before we are even done she starts signing "more". I think we could sing that song for an hour straight and she would let us.

Trying to get that darn fleece on. It really adds static to the hair.

Is this right mom?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jam Packed

We had a lot of fun this weekend, Audrey got to hang with her best pals. Friday night we went to Family Fun Night at the Y and joined Heidi and Lucy. We had not taken Audrey to the pool in months, since she could walk, so it was a whole new experience. She loves the water.

Saturday we met Heidi and Lucy at Barnes and Noble for story book hour. It was a little play on the stage in the childrens book area of the store. Audrey was really digging it and then thought she should be on stage, she kept trying to go on the stage and thought it was pretty funny. Saturday night we enjoyed supper out at Perkins with my parents and it turned out to be kids eat free. Audrey had milk with a straw for the first time, she really mastered drinking with a straw by the end of the meal.

Today we went to Kasson to visit Mindy, Jon, Natalie and Harvey. It had been far too long since we had seen them. The kids had a blast and we loved getting to hang out for the morning.

This is how we found Audrey this morning when we woke her up. That is right, she was still sleeping after 8 and we really wanted to hit the road. When you actually want them to wake up early they stay sleeping.

Audrey checking out the Radio Flyer at Natalie's house.

This blender can sure make the girls giggle.

This is what I would look like as a mom of 3, ha!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Does she not look soooo innocent?

Today on Audrey's daycare report they said they had to keep reminding her to be gentle, apparently she kept hitting and pushing other kids. Ugghhh oh, could it be that she is just getting comfortable in the toddler room? Finally this week when we drop her off she hasn't been crying, it's such a relief, especially for Brent who drops her off the most. Hopefully this hitting and pushing is just a phase.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where is your.......

I had no idea that Audrey knew this, I just asked her one day and this is what she did!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The latest

What a wonderful weekend to be outside, we were loving every minute of it. We spend as much time outside as we can, not knowing how easy it will be this winter. I am looking forward to the first winter where Audrey can play outside though, I hope she likes the snow as much as Brent and I do. We will have her on skis as soon as we can:)

Brent and Audrey enjoyed Saturday in Chaska at Baby Kumquats shower, I was on call and could not leave town, but I didn't have to work however. I got lots of windows washed. They are so dirty after not having anyone living in this house for two years. It was a job well done. Then Brent and I enjoyed a night out for supper while grandma and grandpa hung out with Audrey. I think she slept most of the time they were here.

Today Brent and Audrey hung out at Sibley Park and checked out the animals while I worked. Audrey is really into animals, especially now that she has a little barn and animals to put in it. She is learning all kinds of animal sounds.

Here is what Audrey is into lately:

We are trying to learn to brush our teeth, but she likes to do it herself, not sure how much brushing she is getting accomplished. We find it to be easiest to brush while taking a bath.

Who said she needs toys when you have tupperware.

Enjoying a few more minutes of daylight.

This is Audrey's play house, it is right in our back yard and sort of sits on the hill by the ravine. She is just starting to want to go in there every time we go in the back yard.

Audrey hanging out in her place!