Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm a big girl now!

Audrey is growing up sooo much lately. She has been trying to put her own shirts on, she is obsessed with fleece sweatshirts. We have to hide them away at night or she would want to wear them all to bed. We have been working on her eating skills with a regular cup and silverware. She is able to pick things up with a fork now, but she then grabs the food off the fork with her hands and eats it. Atleast she is getting the process down. She can drink out of a regular little cup, but only with a very small amount in the cup.

The greatest thing lately is getting a goodnight kiss. When we put her to bed at night we both ask for a kiss and her pacifier just drops out of her mouth and she is more than happy to dish out kisses, but that is about the only time. It's still wonderful.

The toddler room is wonderful for Audrey at daycare. I love getting a schedule every week of their daily activites. This week has been sports week. Every day they focus on a sport and learn all kinds of new activities.

Audrey loves music and loves us singing to her. Lately we have been singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat and before we are even done she starts signing "more". I think we could sing that song for an hour straight and she would let us.

Trying to get that darn fleece on. It really adds static to the hair.

Is this right mom?


Heidi said...

What a cutie pie. Lucy only gives kisses at bedtime too, ha!

Josh & Carolyn said...

That Audrey is growing up! There's nothing wrong with wearing layers upon layers of fleece to bed. . . maybe she's making a fashion statement!!!

Christine and Curt said...

I find this post to be oh-so-cute. What a sweetheart. It's cool that she's learning how to use eating utensils. I guess she's not a baby anymore.