Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jam Packed

We had a lot of fun this weekend, Audrey got to hang with her best pals. Friday night we went to Family Fun Night at the Y and joined Heidi and Lucy. We had not taken Audrey to the pool in months, since she could walk, so it was a whole new experience. She loves the water.

Saturday we met Heidi and Lucy at Barnes and Noble for story book hour. It was a little play on the stage in the childrens book area of the store. Audrey was really digging it and then thought she should be on stage, she kept trying to go on the stage and thought it was pretty funny. Saturday night we enjoyed supper out at Perkins with my parents and it turned out to be kids eat free. Audrey had milk with a straw for the first time, she really mastered drinking with a straw by the end of the meal.

Today we went to Kasson to visit Mindy, Jon, Natalie and Harvey. It had been far too long since we had seen them. The kids had a blast and we loved getting to hang out for the morning.

This is how we found Audrey this morning when we woke her up. That is right, she was still sleeping after 8 and we really wanted to hit the road. When you actually want them to wake up early they stay sleeping.

Audrey checking out the Radio Flyer at Natalie's house.

This blender can sure make the girls giggle.

This is what I would look like as a mom of 3, ha!


Heidi said...

We had fun with you guys! Lucy was asking for Audrey ALL day today.

Christine Wood said...

Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad Audrey could hang out with her buds!

Josh & Carolyn said...

What a fun age where they can all play together!! Glad you had fun.

Mindy said...

I think you look good as a mom of 3 :) thanks, again, for coming!