Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful for fun times with this little gem!

We have lots to be thankful for, I just had to share this fun video of bath time this week.

We are enjoying a nice quiet Thanksgiving at home, just the 3 of us. It happens to be my holiday to work this year, so I am on call today and our families were all heading out of town. I have not had to work yet, so we enjoyed a great lunch until Audrey started chucking her food all over the kitchen. We put a stop to that, it's naptime now.

I made my first turkey ever, 13 lbs. It turned out really great and we had all the fixings to go along with it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Anonymous said...

So Cute! I love all the mumbled words - isn't it so wonderful? Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Emily, Brett and Sarah B.

Christine Wood said...

We loved the video of Audrey. Awwww....glad your Thanksgiving meal came together nicely!!!!

Carolyn said...

This is the most adorable video ever!!! What a great way to start my day. (Cal enjoyed watching it too!)

Heidi said...

What a cute video! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!