Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Community Band

We went to Riverfront Park tonight and met Heidi and Lucy for some entertainment by the local community band. The girls loved it and ran around like crazy! I think here Audrey is explaining to Brent that she loves her sucker: "Daddy, I like it!" " I like it Daddy!" It was hilarious.

You can see that Abe Lincoln was at the concert and that is exactly why Heidi is carrying Lucy during the kiddy parade, Lucy said she didn't like him.


Josh & Carolyn said...

I would be freaked out by Abe too!

Mindy said...

Well, if they like community bands, you guys need to come to Jon's concert next year!

Abe would have freaked me out, too! Odd!

Heidi said...

Yeah, Abe was freaky! See how he's sneaking up behind me?! Gives me the shivers. We had a ton of fun, we'll have to do it again sometime!