Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We're Back, Lutsen Recap

What can we say, Lutsen was just what we all needed. It was incredibly relaxing and tons of fun. Audrey was wonderful on her first ever vacation. The 5 1/2 hour ride in the car went really well. We stopped a couple times for Audrey to eat and stretch out a bit. We did so many things up north. It was nice to be around family and have so much help with Audrey. She loves her grandparents and her aunt Christine and Uncle Curt. Although Brent got hurt on the alpine slide, it did not stop us from having fun, we went mountain biking, hiking, swimming, and of course to Sven and Ole's for pizza. Many firsts for Audrey, she even started making tons of noise discovering her voice and discovering the fact that she can grab onto things, she liked to hike up her pants all the time. The weather was cool, so she was sporting some cute pants and hoodies.

Me and Audrey in Grand Marais at the donut shop.

Brent and Audrey at the mountain bike race on Saturday. Brent was loving taking the stroller over some rugged terrain.

Smiling with Grandpa Wood.

The family of 3 at the top of Moose Mountain.


Mindy said...

I love the hoodie picture! Looks like you had a wonderful time!

kborn said...

Too fun! I can't imagine doing that much so soon after my delivery. You really are doing great, aren't you???!!

Heidi said...

Lucy has that same hoodie! I love the pic of Doug and Audrey together - she looks very happy to be in Grandpa's arms :)

Les said...

Fun trip Shan! What exactly is the Lutsen slide???

Shanna said...

Leslie- The alpine slide is basically a track that goes down the ski slope and you are riding in a sled on wheels with a brake to go and stop. Crazy fun