Monday, December 15, 2008

We survived!

We had a great weekend, thankfully we survived the blizzard Sunday night.
Friday night Brent and I went to the Minnesota State Hockey game, my boss gets season tickets, so he always give tickets to those who have the weekend off. Doug watched Audrey and said she was just perfect. We came home to them both sleeping in the chair together, they were both wore out.

Saturday we spent some time at the bowling alley so Brent could get some practice for Tuesday night league and Audrey and I cheered him on:) We then enjoyed dinner out with Jason, Heidi, and Lucy. A nice relaxing night before our big party Sunday. We had Lucy's first birthday party which was awesome and then Christine's surprise 30th party in Chaska. Audrey was a champ the whole day and thankfully slept the whole way home from Chaska, I sure couldn't. We were just glad we got home safely after the incredible white out conditions.

Lucy enjoying her chocolate cake.

Audrey meeting Santa Claus at Lucy's party, she loved his beard.

Audrey hanging out with Aunt Christine, she had so much fun at the party.

This is one of my favorite pictures, I took it this morning. Audrey looks so grown up sitting there with my blanket on, it was freezing cold this morning.

Audrey loves hanging out with no clothes, she goes crazy every time we let her hang out before getting her pj's on.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh, I love that picture too - it's like you can totally see what she's going to look like as a toddler and little girl. SO CUTE! Thanks for coming on Sunday, we had a lot of fun!