Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Box Car

Grandpa Doug made Audrey this sweet car! At daycare Audrey loves the box cars they have and they said she plays in them all the time. Grandpa souped it up a bit and put wheels on it and a lock with a key, which is huge right now. Audrey seems to have a bit of an obsession with keys. She loves this car, some days she will bring her purse out there with her and sit in the car and just drive, and drive, and drive:)


Curt Wood said...

it doesn't look the most fuel efficient, but it's sweet anyway.

Carolyn said...

Haha, that is awesome! She should get some racing stripes painted on it.

Mindy said...

Oh my gosh, sweet! Hope she never swipes your real car keys :)

Claire said...
