Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blizzard fun!

It was a nice weekend, even if we did have a blizzard. Sometimes it's nice to just stay home and know that we cannot go anywhere. Since we only live a couple blocks from Grandpa and Grandma Wood, we did make it over on Saturday to learn how to make lefse. Audrey had spent the night with them Friday night, so it was fun to go over and see how her night was and enjoy some fresh soup for lunch.

Here I am flipping the lefse on the grill.

Audrey took her job very seriously, she put flour on the rolling pad for us.

Here is Brent rolling out some lefse, definately the toughest part of making lefse.

Audrey enjoying some hot chocolate "kid coffee".

Reading my favorite childhood book, "But No Elephants."

It's always great to know we are staying in for the day when Audrey picks out her own outfit for the day.

Hanging out in the toy box with some serious static electricity.


Josh & Carolyn said...

Sometimes it is fun to be stranded at home! The lefsa looks yummy!

Mindy said...

LOVE the outfit :) I'll trade you some cheesecake for some lefse!