Monday, March 21, 2011

127 Hours

Brent and I watched 127 Hours last night and it was incredible. For those who don't know, it's the movie about this man who was out hiking and got his arm stuck under a rock and amputated his own arm after being stuck for 127 hours. I tried so hard to put myself in his shoes and it's just impossible. I cannot even imagine how scared he was and the thoughts going through his mind through the entire experience. They really did a great job with the movie. I read the book also and the movie was much better.


Mindy said...

Is it gory?? It sounds interesting, but I can't handle much blood and guts!

Christine Wood said...

so the movie was better than the book? i'm reading a trilogy right now for a book club, there are movies out for it too...we are debating if we should watch the movies after we finish reading the books.

Shanna said...

It was a little gory when it was time to cut off the arm, but not horrible, Brent handled it well, ha!

Heidi said...

I want to see it! I think I saw Brent returning it at the Red Box tonight! :)

Laurie said...

I'm glad to hear that about the movie because it's on our wish list but the book, which I just started, is a little dry.