Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Audrey Update

Audrey has been so hilarious lately, I just have to document some of these things for my own memory. She tells stories all the time that make us wonder sometimes does she know what she is talking about or is she making this up.

~We were out on a family run the other night and we went a couple miles and I asked Brent if he wanted to keep on going so we continued on and Audrey said, "Mom, you are a running machine."

~I was getting Audrey ready for bed and she was looking at my hair and said, "Mom, you have some white hairs." Thanks Audrey!

~Now that she is riding her big girl bike she wants to ride a lot, her and Brent went on an epic bike ride the other day and ended up getting too far away from home. Audrey told Brent, "Dad, I am worn out."

~She has been so cute lately and always telling us "I love you soooo much!" and hugging and kissing on us all the time, we love it!

~Audrey loves cicada bugs, she picks them up all the time (dead ones of course) and keeps a little collection of them on the bricks out front, it's really kind of gross.

~Brent was pulling the van into the garage and Audrey asked him, why does mom hit the snowblower when she drives in. She totally tattled on me!

~She is obsessed with the word butt right now, everything is "tooty butt" this and "tooty butt" that. It's hard not to laugh at it, but we try our best to not encourage her.


Mindy said...

I hate when your own kid tattles on you!!

Funny!! :)

Heidi said...

Ha! I love all of these! We have "booty butt" around here. Oye...