Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Audrey's Birth Story

I promised I would have a birth story on here, so here goes. It all started on Thursday afternoon about 4:15 when my water broke at work, yes at the Mortuary. It's not ideal to have your water break at work, especially during a visitation. Imagine me in the office sitting at the desk and having to make my way past the entrance to the funeral home to the bathrooms becuase I am sort of panicking at this time and am not certain if this is the real deal, so I didn't want to tell anyone. I get to the bathroom and then realize, this is the real deal, now I must make my way back to my bosses office and get the heck out of here. Thankfully my boss is female and she knew exactly what to do after just having a baby a year ago. She loaded up her things and off we went to the hospital. I called Brent at work on the way to the hospital and he immediately left work. At this point I was in no pain whatsoever and everything was fine, except I was leaking all over and it was a really weird feeling.

Once we got to the hospital I was checked right in and brought up to a labor and delivery room. My boss stayed with me until Brent got there and was so nice the entire time, she even bagged up my nasty clothes. I am thankful for her being at work at that time. I got changed into my gown and they checked and I was 3-4 centimeters and having no pain which was awesome. One nice thing about your water breaking is knowing you will have that baby within 24 hours, they will not let you go too long after.

The pain never started to get real bad until later that evening, maybe around 9-10 p.m. My plan going into this was no pain medication and I was determined to stick to it. I am not sure if it was more because I didn't want the big shot in my back, I had heard you could get nasty headaches from it, how it might affect the baby, or just for the simple reason that I told many people I was going with no meds and I really wanted to say I did it. Around midnight I think they started pitocin to get my contractions coming closer together to progress things along and it seemed to be working. I was in tons of pain and having lots of back pain too. I was able to stroll the halls and try different positions to make the pain more manageable, but I honestly felt horrible. Brent describes the whole thing of the water breaking like a tornado. Our babies home lost its roof and everything was just flying out. The nurse came to me around 2am and said it was my last chance to have medication if I wanted it and their would be no more opportunity. So, I seriously thought about it and worried that things would maybe stop progressing and I would be sorry, but I said no to the meds and kept going. Thankfully things kept progressing and Audrey Jeanne was born at 4:44 a.m. with only about 1/2 hour of pushing. Pushing was nothing compared to the pain before hand.

I don't think I could do it again, honestly, people say how easily you forget after the baby is born, but I have not forgotten about it, it sucked. I think I forgot at the very moment she was born , but now looking back, uggghhhh, not fun. I guess it's rare anymore and all the nurses were talking about it, which makes me feel like He-Man or something, so I am incredibly glad I stuck to my original plan and was able to get through it. Brent was awesome and helped me out the whole time and he was incredibly brave, I was worried he might pass out. He even cut the cord, woo hoo.

This is just minutes after Audrey was born.

Brent holding Audrey for the first time.

This is me enjoying my slushies I got during labor, I could have ice chips or flavored slushies, I took advantage. I had 3, grape, blue raspberry, and cherry.

Grandma Sonnek visiting Audrey just a few hours after she was born. She hated to leave and go to work.
Grandpa and Grandma Wood visiting. Grandma got to leave work early to come and visit her new granddaughter.


Mindy said...

What a great story! I definitely think you are super-woman for doing it with no drugs, there's no way I could!

While I had a different sort of pain, I think I'll go out on a limb and say that you WILL forget about it sooner or later...or at least you will forget just HOW bad it was! :)

Christine Wood said...

Amazing! Everything went perfectly! I read this post with a smile on my face...for you and Brent! Mom Shanna was brave and dad Brent was a real trooper too! You guys make a great team!!!!! On a side note...I knew you were super tough, but I'm still amazed that you went with no drugs. I have quite a few friends who are doctors. Although they let their patients choose if they want medication or not...they all secretly hope and encourage that the patients do!

marcyw said...

Yayyyy!!! You're amazing and strong as you always have been! I guess we should have expected it all along!

Heidi said...

Aw, what a wonderful story - you'll be so happy you got it all down on paper before the memories start to fade. I agree about the memory of the pain though - I still remember it like it was yesterday! Worth it though, huh? :)

Carolyn said...

Seriously, no drugs?!?! WOW! That's just crazy!! Good for you though! And I'm glad Brent didn't pass out :).

Emily B said...

Wow - great story Shanna! I'm so proud of you for sticking with what you felt was right. Congrats!!

kborn said...

yeah, i still haven't forgotten the pain, pregnancy, or anything about that last week before Q. but for some reason i think i want to do it again. i opted for the drugs, and i'm glad i did because i had severe contractions for almost 7 hours until i was pushing then the, congrats to you for drug-free! :-)
again, she is adorable!!!