Sunday, January 11, 2009


Brent threw me a surprise 30th birthday party today, I was definately surprised:) It was great, I honestly didn't think that Brent would ever throw me a surprise party. I never caught on to any of it. I had a really fun time, thanks Brent and everyone else who helped him. We are also celebrating Audrey's half birthday, she is 6 months old today, I can hardly beleive it. Tomorrow we have her 6 month check up, with shots:( I will have to report tomorrow with her latest stats.

I am giving myself a present tomorrow on my day off by having an hour massage, I am really looking forward to it. We have no pictures from my party since we didn't bring the camera. I'll leave you with a couple that I did take today.

Audrey can sit up really well on her own now.

Dad dressing her up all crazy. But we got a good smile with some pearly whites showing, lots of drool these days.


Mindy said...

Look at her sitting up! Happy massage today. Great idea!

kborn said...

Happy birthday!
Isn't is awesome how the "thing" to do for birthdays now is get a massage...and not drink so much?! Wow, we're getting old!
Also, happy half birthday A---you're getting sooooooooo big!