Sunday, January 18, 2009


What Audrey would look like with long hair, ha. She lets Brent do just about anything with her and she just smiles. We had a nice weekend together. I didn't have to work much, but Brent did work most of the day yesterday, so Audrey and I hung out at my parents house and my mom made me breakfast. It was the best. Today was sort of a lazy day. Brent and Audrey watched football and I went to the gym and did some cleaning.

Lattest obsession-feet! She loves her feet and pulls her socks off all the time. Dang those footed pj's, can't seem to get those off.


kborn said...

Q's stilll saying dang footed PJs.

Isn't crazy how daddys can do just about anything, but when mommy gets silly it's just wrong? At least, that's our house! :)

Curt Wood said...

Wow, they make you clean the YMCA? Do you get a discounted membership for that? :)

Curt Wood said...

little audrey has the most adorable smile, cheeks, and eyes. sounds like a fabulous weekend!

Carolyn said...

Cute--I love her grabbing her feet!

Mindy said...

That bottom picture is so cute!

Heidi said...

I also love the feet grabbing pose - so classic!

Mama K said...

I wonder how she ever learned about feet? (Could it be the Jan 5 entry?) I don't look very often but it is so fun to scan thru the pics of Audrey and what goes on in your lives.