Sunday, April 19, 2009

30 Day Shred

I started the 30 Day Shred today, it's a workout video with Jillian from the Biggest Loser. I am incredibly sore. I can see how this will do wonders if I keep up with it. Wish me luck! It's a 20 minute work out daily with abs, strength and cardio, it's great for me because I have a hard time lately finding enough time to dedicate to going to the gym. The days I can get to the gym will be great because I will also do the video, so it's double the work out.


Mindy said...

If it works, I'll borrow it in August! :)

Christine Wood said...

good luck! let me know if it works too! hope audrey is doing well!

Heidi said...

I can't wait to hear how you like it! I should try it too!

Carolyn said...

If it's from Jillian, it sounds scary!!! no, just kidding. Good for you!

Jared, Trisha, Jackson and Reagan said...

Jessica A and I are doing our own personal Biggest Loser competition now that the Shape Up challenge has started. She has the 30 day shred videos and I have the Cardio with Bob and Jillian set! You should join us and track your percentage of weight loss!