Sunday, June 28, 2009

New digs

Here I am typing from my new pad. So far, so good. It's day two and we are still all getting along:) It was a long day yesterday and I can't beleive we have to do it again in two months. I am not looking forward to that one bit.

Audrey has adjusted very well to her new room. She slept like a champ last night and went right to sleep again tonight. Tina and Thor on the other hand woke us up several times hissing at each other. Something about the new place and smells that makes them fight. They have been spending lots of time under the couches in the basement. We have seen them out more and more today and Tina even ventured up the stairs but some noise freaked her out and she went flying back downstairs under the couch. Poor cats. I feel so bad for them and am sad that we have to do this to them once more in such a short time. They will just be getting used to this place and we will move again.

Today Brent competed in the North Mankato Triathlon. We are so proud of him, he did well! After that Audrey came home for a nap and we enjoyed brunch with some of Brent's biking buddies.

The old house is all cleaned up and ready for the new owner. One more lawn mowing tomorrow and we close on Tuesday. Wish us luck:)


Heidi said...

Good luck at the closing...I hope Thor & Tina sleep better tonight, hahah, poor kitties :) Good seeing you today - I have a good pic of Brent I'll have to send to you!

Josh & Carolyn said...

Silly cats! So skittish!

Good luck closing! Wear a wrist brace. :)

Christine and Curt said...

glad everyone is still getting along!!!