Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The vampire strikes again:(

That is right everyone, Audrey got bit for the third time at daycare today. We have no idea if it's the same kid or not. We never get to find out who bit her, they may fear we would go after them, which I am about to. This is getting rediculous. I feel so bad for Audrey. Apparently she was climbing on something today and got in the kids way and she got bit in the stomach, ouch! Remember, these are all kids her same age, because she is in a room of kids who are crawling or just learning to walk. I guess some kids are just biters. We are glad she is not the biter, but poor girl to keep getting bit.


Christine and Curt said...

hmmm...I was telling someone at work about Audrey and the vampire. They mentioned that their son was being harrassed by this girl at daycare. They actually went and spent a day at daycare and saw who this girl was, but the day care ladies actually did something about it and removed the girl to a different room as soon as she got aggressive. I was wondering if you guys knew if it was the same baby or not. Yes, some kids just are biters.

Emily B said...

Ugh - that sucks. Are any other kids getting bit? From my experience, the kiddos all have different ways of taking out their aggression - Sarah's is to hit. Some like to bite. I'm prettty sure daycares give a three strikes you're out policy - don't they? GL - I know it is such a bummer.

Shanna said...

I did find out today that Audrey is not the only target, the kid bites other kids too and the kid is also younger than her. That is all we know.

Mindy said...

OH NO! Audrey, that totally stinks!

Bonni said...

Oh my gosh! You'd think they' keep that other kid under control...

Carolyn said...

What the heck!!?? I'm ready to go stake out the daycare and see who is biting Audrey!! I'm really hoping it isn't intentional (they're babies still. . .) but STILL! Grr. :(