Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our little talker

I have not updated in a long time about what is the latest with Audrey. She is jabbering a ton, which is so much fun. I will sit across from her at the table and say something and she comes back with a ton of babbling, it's hilarious. It's like we are having conversation in a way:) She is starting to copy words that we say, we really need to watch what we say now. We have been working on "touchdown" while putting our arms up, it's so much fun to hear her try and say it. She says Tina all the time, which we aren't sure if she is referring to our cat Tina or not. She says it a lot. She says No, uh oh, and just tonight starting saying bubbles while in the tub. Of course a lot of these things are very hard to understand, but after I say something I know she is trying to repeat it.

Brent taught her to say "ahhhhhh" after taking a drink, she does it every now and again and thinks she is pretty funny.

I have to say I absolutely love this age Audrey is at , but it's also incredibly frustrating at the same time. She can't say lots of things and wants something specific and we have no idea what she wants. We both get frustrated trying to figure it out. It's so much fun to see how much she is taking in and learning. I feel like I say "No" a 100 times a day. I just recently read somewhere about parents saying "No" a lot at this age, so it made me feel a little better. She is just trying to explore everything she can, but at the same time likes to test us also.

Audrey is so easy going and is starting to be able to play more and more on her own, which we are loving. Her toy room is all complete finally at our new home so she is really enjoying having an extra room.

Audrey came home today with a fever, so we are hoping it passes quickly so she can return to daycare. She has had a runny nose for a few days now and seems to be drooling tons, she is getting some of her molars already. Lets hope it doesn't last too long.


Josh & Carolyn said...

I can't wait to hear Audrey chatting! Yes, it is frustrating when they can't tell you what they want. At times I find myself going, "Cal, use your words!!!!". Hehe.

Christine Wood said...

bring on the words Audrey! the whole testing boundaries thing seems interesting. i wonder if when they hear "no" they just want to keep doing what they aren't suppose to be doing. i'm not sure if redirecting or giving another distraction would work either.

Heidi said...

She is SO cute right now! We had a blast playing - I love that our girls are so close in age!!!

Mindy said...

awesome! It's definitely a fun age!