Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Audrey was Tinkerbell this year for Halloween. She had a blast trick-or-treating, she went to every house in our neighborhood and held her bucket the entire time and just stared at the people, ha. It was pretty cute. Her first costume we had for her was disco baby, it came with an afro wig, not such a good idea, she was so scared of the hair. Tinkerbell was a much better fit for her.

We didn't get any awesome shots of her costume, she was so mad when I put it on her, she hated it. By the end of the night she was digging it.


Mindy said...

very cute! glad she liked it by the end!

Heidi said...

That is CUTE, cute, cute! I love the colors of her outfit.

Carolyn said...

I'm sure the disco outfit was a pretty funny get up!

She looks like a very cute Tinkerbell, complete with mary janes.