Sunday, April 18, 2010

Park Patrol

We have been hitting up new parks every week. Our goal is to go to all the parks in Mankato, a new park a week. It's great, because Audrey gets to experience new things to play on and then we really can figure out which ones are the best. Then we can return to the fun ones again.

This park had some seriously old school playground equipment, we were on the teter-toter (how do you spell that anyway) here, her hair is crazy.

See what I mean, I thought they banned the merry-go-round. Audrey loved pushing Brent.

This is a horrible picture, but it shows the latest in swinging, push the picnic table up close and you have a better chance of wrapping the swing around the top bar, ha.


Claire said...

We had that goal last summer and didn't get through them all so we're continuing it this summer. I had no clue there were so many parks here in Burnsville until we started doing it.

Mindy said...

That's a good idea to try out all the different parks. That would take about 5 days in our town, ha!

I love the hair picture! And they do that with the picnic tables at our park, too. The teacher in me always want to yell at them!

Heidi said...

That is a good goal! I love those merry go rounds...what park is that?!

Josh & Carolyn said...

I HATE merry-go-rounds! I always got so dizzy on them.

You should do a write up for your town!