Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Soooooooooooo Tired

This is how I felt all day, I am exhausted. I was on call last night and was up all night with four deaths, ugghhhh, it was a long night of working and I missed the best part of the day. Waking Audrey up in the morning is so much fun because she is so happy and smiley in the morning, I missed her. Brent took care of the two of them this morning, he almost forgot to take care of himself actually. He called me on their way to daycare and told me about their morning. He got Audrey all dressed and was starting to get her in her carseat before he realized he was still in his pajamas and needed to dress himself, ha, this cracked me up. So, finally when they were both ready Audrey decided to spit up all over him and herself, but they were running late, so they both headed out the way they were. I loved that they called me to fill me in on what I missed.


Christine Wood said...

awwww...what a team effort to get miss Audrey off to school! hope you have a bit of a rest today, but i'm assuming not since you were busy with the deaths.

Mindy said...

Wow, Shanna, I don't know how you do that. That is so funny about Brent almost going to work in his PJs!! Tell Audrey Natalie has those same pants in pink and stripe-cute!

Sarah said...

oh this is such a cute and funny story! Thanks for sharing, Shanna :)

kborn said...

oh those days sound awesome.

cute pic, it's adorable. she looks like she has monster legs.

Anonymous said...

oh those barf spots are like a badge that says " I'm a Dad and dang proud of it!" you have to wear them with honor.Those look like bikin' legs to me.

Meredith said...

I want to know what kind of PJ's Brent was wearing if he thought he was set for the day! They must've been pretty fancy! :-)