Monday, November 10, 2008

Those crazy cats

I don't think I ever told the story about when we put Audrey to bed in her crib and were hanging out in the living room and could heard Tina meowing and realized we were hearing her meowing over the monitors. Brent went into Audrey's room and there was Tina sitting in the corner of the crib and Audrey was just staring at her, it was pretty funny, but thank goodness for monitors.

Being naked is the best!

Do you like my new hat?

Getting bundled up in the winter is so much work, makes a girl tired:)


marcyw said...

LOOOOVE the bundled up picture! Adorable! And look at her push herself up! Yay!

kborn said...

:-) The kitties have yet to crawl in next to Q! Don't think they ever would!! We have noticed meows on the monitor from time to time and we go...hmm...the cats must be in Q's room.

Carolyn said...

That is funny (and cute) about the cats 'watching' over Audrey!! Enjoy your 'naked time' Audrey!!! Haha.

Christine Wood said...

brent and shanna, you guys have the most darling little girl!