Thursday, July 16, 2009

Visit with Doc. Williams

Today was Audrey's one year check up. She is still hanging in on the 99% for weight, she is 27 lbs 10 ounces. She is 96% for height, 31 inches. She was not happy the minute I set her on the table in the room. She cried while getting her clothes off, she cried while being weighed, she cried while getting her ears and mouth checked out, and she definately cried while getting her three shots. Then we were not done there, she had to go down to the lab for a finger prick.

She was super happy the rest of the night, which is a big change from the last three days. She has been having some freak out moments every night and just cries and cries and we have no way of stopping it, nothing works. Pacifier just falls right out and she would continue to cry. We wondered if their was an ear infection or something, but Dr. Williams said everything looks fine. We are hoping it was just a little faze.

We have a busy weekend ahead. Tomorrow I am working at the Relay for Life, Saturday we have a birthday party for my grandma and then the big Heart of the Lakes Triathlon on Sunday. Brent will be doing the entire thing and I am doing a relay with Christine and Carolyn. I will hopefully have some fun pictures to post after the weekend.


Mindy said...

Sounds like a not so fun visit to the doctor!! But, it's always fun to see how they are growing.

Les said...

Can't blame the poor girl. I hate going to the doctor too!

Christine and Curt said...

Poor Audrey. We have something in common. It's not really acceptable for adults to cry through an entire appointment, instead I did a lot of whimpering and whining. I'll have to give her a squeeze.

Carolyn said...

Yes, poor Audrey! Who likes getting poked and prodded anyways??

Go Team W3's!! See you Sunday!

kborn said...

Ha ha...yep, I believe that was the age Q decided the doc was no fun too! This last visit was the worst bc she can climb soooo easily and she's sooooo strong!!!

I mean, it gets better.....??? :)