Sunday, August 23, 2009

Painting and more painting

This weekend was a busy weekend spent painting our new house. We took turns getting to hang out with Audrey, right now the house is not kid friendly with all the painting going on. We accomplished so much this past week and weekend it's unbelievable. Our parents have been awesome, they come over without us asking and just start working, it's been wonderful. I really am starting to feel like we can actually get everything done that I wanted to before moving in two weeks.

Audrey enjoying her new slide in our new basement.

Now that Tina is finally getting comfortable at my parents house, we are about to move again and I am sure it's going to be stressfull for her once again.

Audrey has been so into books lately, she is always grabbing books and sitting down on our lap. I am going to the public library tomorrow to get a card so we can start renting more books. We need new books for vacation in a week.


Heidi said...

The house is looking great, I can't wait to see it painted! Audrey looks HUGE in that grown up!

Carolyn said...

Poor kitties who have to make a transition again! Hopefully they'll have their own little 'hiding spots' in their new home!

So will Audrey have a slide that connects to her crib?