Monday, June 13, 2011

All Things Loved, special edition "Audrey"

Their are sooooo many things I want to remember about Audrey right now, so I am just going to randomly list things that I am absolutely loving about this stage in Audrey's life:

-Her love for dresses, basically her whole fashion sense.

-The way she licks her lips if some food misses her mouth.

-When she brushes her hair out of her face

-The way she says chapstick, "scap lips"

-When she gives us hugs and kisses before bed and always needs to add in a nose rub

-The fact that is upsets her when Tina (the cat) is in the bathroom if she needs to use it.

-She will hold hands with her friends but not with mom or dad

-The way she reads books to herself, it's amazing how much she can remember and how she recaps everything on the pages

-Her awesome questions: "Why do we have 2 hands?", "Why am I all white?". Then she made a very valid point, "I have 2 hands, 2 feet, and one butt."


Heidi said...

Yes. One butt. Super cute...going to steal this idea :)

Mindy said...

cute, cute, cute! You are on a roll with the blogging lately; I love it!

Julie said...

yes, one butt but 2 cheeks on that one butt.

Christine Wood said...

So cute...why am I all white?

Josh & Carolyn said...

Oh toddlers, they are so candid!