Monday, March 10, 2008

Fun filled shopping weekend

We got a baby jogger this weekend, Brent is totally pumped, he just had to load it up with beverages, ugghhhh, I think he needs some help with the beverage choice for the stroller. We had a fun filled day Saturday shopping in the cities with Brent's parents. First we hit up Babies R Us and got our stroller/car seat, which is our first big purchase for the baby. We are on a roll now.

We went to the fabric store to pick out material for the curtains in the nursery and Brent had to have this monkey fabric. I was not digging it for the curtains, so Brent decided he would make a pillow for the chair with the monkey fabric, it's really cute. We found some great fabric for the curtains, I can't wait to get started on them!

Our weekend in the cities was great, we stayed at a hotel in Bloomington, which we won't even go into the details, lets just say the whole weekend was great, but we had some issues at the hotel. We do not recommend buying a gift card at the Water Park of America hotel. I do however recommend the stuffed cream cheese french toast from IHOP, it was the bomb:)


Carolyn said...

Looks like you made off with the loot! Nice job. Way to go monkeys!

Mindy said...

Yeah, you'd better watch what Brent fills the sippy cup with!

Heidi said...

Nice pillow - Brent is quite the, Seamer? Seam-mister? I'll have to check out that dish at IHOP, sounds like a winner.