Tuesday, June 3, 2008

35 week check up

I had my 35 week check up today. All is good with Baby Wood. Heart rate is in the 140's, so it's a boy again. haha. everyone always says if the heart rate is high it's a girl and it's been high for a while, but not anymore. We have our last ultrasound on Thursday, I am really excited. I might have one final picture of the baby to post before we actually get to meet him/her. I can't wait to get a peak, but not too much of a peak, we still want the sex to be a surprise. It's been 16 weeks since the last ultrasound. This one is to check the position of the baby and the size.

I have been a little overwhelmed the last couple days just thinking it's only 5 weeks until my due date. I feel really like we have things under control, but yet I want to get everything done just in case this baby wants to come a little early. So, Brent got the pack/n/play in our bedroom all set up tonight and now the baby has a place to sleep for sure. We want to go to Target next week and get some last minute things off of our registry that we think we need before baby. Then I think we will be set. Heidi reassured me that all a baby really needs is some diapers, clothes , and blankets and they wouldn't know the difference if anything else was ready. They will sleep just about anywhere. So, I need to stop worrying.


Christine and Curt said...

awww...Shanna and Brent, you guys sound totally ready. more ready than most people? i've heard of people not buying anything until after the baby was born!!!! we are very much excited too. i'm still guessing that it's a boy!

Mindy said...

You are ready! Babies really will sleep anywhere! Food and lots of diapers that's about all they want at first :)

Carolyn said...

The true question is will you ever be fully "ready"? No. :) So have faith that you're as ready as you will ever be and that everything will turn out perfect!! Five weeks!!