Tuesday, June 24, 2008

North Mankato Triathlon

Brent and Curt participated in the North Mankato Triathlon this weekend, in which Curt won 1st place, way to go Curt. Brent did really well too, but he didn't think so. He thinks he needs to train harder now for the Heart of the Lakes Triathlon in July. We had a great time Sunday hanging out with Curt and Christine and Doug and Bev. We watched old videos and went for a walk on the Sakatah Trail. Monday night Curt and Christine came back down for the Thunder of Drums at MSU, it was a great night for it!

Brent after the finish.

Here is Lucy trying out Doug and Bev's new bike trailer, she loved it, so much that she fell asleep in it. They were so pumped to finally have someone who could try it out. Baby Wood will be a little small to ride in it this summer yet.

Here are a bunch of the swimmers right before the triathlon started. Brent is in the back with the black tri suit on with his hands on his hips.

Here comes Curt, first out of the water.

Brent coming out from the swim.

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