Friday, June 13, 2008

8 Months Pregnant

Here I am, only 3 1/2 weeks until my due date, I know every time I post a picture I say how incredibly huge I am, but seriously, I am so glad I am in the last month, it's a bit uncomfortable now. I have some swelling going on, my ankles are enormous and when I told the doctor today at my appt. he said oh just wait, they will get bigger, especially with the heat. Great! I also found out at the doctor today that I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced for those who know what that means. I guess the doctor says its good because I am actually progressing, but I could stay this way for a while, so don't get too excited. He also says that our baby is a little bigger than average, so I guess I have my work cut out for me.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, we have a busy day tomorrow with Brent racing in a bike race in Mankato and then we are watching the professional racers come through town, it's always a good time. I will try and take some great pictures at the race.


Christine and Curt said...

OH mama!!!! 3.5 weeks!!!!!! You are doing something great Shanna. Hang in there. And yes, you are getting bigger. The weather next week doesn't look too hot so that is good for the swelling ankles and such. So Brent is doing the race?!?! We were wondering about that. Good luck. Be safe.

Mindy said...

Progress is always good! I'm just going to put in a guess that we won't be seeing a "40 weeks pregnant" picture on here. At least I hope not :)

Carolyn said...

Wow! I second Mindy's comment that you probably won't make 40 weeks! We have a friend that was 1cm dilated and 20% effaced, and she had her baby 3 weeks later. Considering your progress is further than hers was at that time, it could be a few short weeks! :)

Heidi said...

Yup, I give you two weeks, max. Hang in there and be happy it isn't super hot outside! And you look fabulous - that baby is riding high, it a girl...I have a feeling :)