Friday, October 31, 2008

Kids do say the darndest things Mindy

I had a funeral yesterday for a young guy who died and his wife is a para for the second graders. She shared a story with me about a girl in her class. They all wrote her an individual card. The night of the visitation she went home and decided to finally read those cards. The one little girl wrote: "I am sorry your husband died, I hope you find a new one." It made her laugh, which was probably the perfect time for her to read that card.


Mindy said...

That's cute! You just never know what kids are going to say!

Sarah said...

oh - that is really cute. Sad, funny, and definitely cute.

Heidi said...

Oh, that is totally heartbreaking and so sweet.

Christine and Curt said...

oh my goodness. i'm so glad she came across that card when she did. perfect timing for a much needed laugh. everyday i believe more and more that people are put into your life for different reasons.