Friday, August 6, 2010

Audrey Bobo

Last night we decided to take a bike ride to the Trailblazer in Madison Lake for supper. Brent had gone last week with Audrey and his dad and it was a good time. We got to the restaurant around 7 and it was kind of busy. It took forever for us to get a menu and then a half hour had gone by and we hadn't even given a drink order. So, it's now 7:30 and by the time we would even get our order in and the food was done it would be past 8 and getting close to being dark outside. The bike ride takes us about 40 minutes, so I was ready to leave. We decided to head to the park near the restaurant and Audrey was not happy leaving the restaurant. She must have thought, my goodness are you going to feed me or what. It was way past our meal time, so we knew we had to feed Audrey. Brent went to the local gas station and got us some pizza that looked like it had been out since noon and we chilled out in the park and ate supper.

Brent decided he could get going back home much faster without us, so he biked back, picked up the van and drove back to Madison Lake and picked up Audrey and I. I didn't mind so much riding back while it was getting dark, but I didn't want Audrey to be in the trailer without any lights on it. Audrey and I played at the park and I was teaching her to say Audrey Jeanne Wood and she repeated it so many times that when Brent got back to pick us up he asked her what her name was and she kept saying, Audrey Bobo. It cracks me up what she comes up with in her little head.

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