Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fun times and a funny

We celebrated Grandpa Wood's birthday on Friday night with dinner at Mazatlan and then cake and ice cream back at our house. When Audrey saw grandpa with Sebastian she went right over and plopped herself on his lap too, can we say jealous:) She pretty much loves to be anywhere Seb is when he is being held by Grandpa or Grandma.

Today I worked pretty much all day at a funeral in a church without air conditioning, it was hot!Then we went out to the campground in Mapleton and hung out with my parents and aunt and uncle. It was the perfect night out and I am hoping for some cooler weather.

Brent decided to take Audrey out for pizza today for lunch since I was working, she had to go potty before they left so he took her in to the bathroom and then she loves throwing her diaper away in her room on her own. He sent her into her room and then by the time she came back he was ready to head to lunch. Brent was strapping her into her car seat and her dress slid up a little bit in the seat when he realized he never put a new diaper on her, ha. Thank goodness he noticed and not once they got to the restaurant and was showing off her bare buns to the world.

Sebastian was totally digging Audrey's hair and would not let go, whoops, he pulled a little hard.


Christine and Curt said...

that's so funny! weird thing, the other night i had a dream about stepping out of the house without my underwear was kind of a nightmare.

Josh & Carolyn said...

I hope Audrey didn't mind the hair pulling. Seb tends to invade other people's 'bubbles'!! You should see Callum's expressions when Seb throws himself all over him. . . hehe.